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EmergciTalks Case Study: 

Application Designed and Developed at an online Global Hackathon 

Participated in COVID-19 Global Hackathon 1.0 - prototype was built in 3.5 days in a 5 day Hackathon challenge. I completed this project on my own as an UI/UX, graphic, visual, and interaction design.


Due to recent Covid19, I joined the hackathon, to see if I can create 
Chatline that promotes hospitals to talk among each other to communicate shortages and provide assistance.


What does EmergciTalks do?


REPORT shortages and see check the status of the report. 


COMMUNICATE though the use of
chatline: texts, attachment and video 
call to clear up any miscommunication
in terms of supplies or resources needed.


RESOURCES are not limited to just 
supplies, but shortages of staffs. 


PROMOTE communication between hospital within the community. 


COMMUNITY to check if the nearest hospital have the extra resources that they can share, by using location and check with the nurses or doctors. 
This demo, is only within Canada and United States.


RESOURCES are not limited to just 
supplies, but shortages of staffs. 


1.  Lack of communication between hospitals
2. Shortage of supplies is only contacted through one person
3. Problem with shortage in hospitals, not only with supplies but with staffs as well 


Why choose EmergciTalks?

EmergciTalks addresses the needs of hospital, due to the Covid19 pandemic, I’ve noticed through the news that a lot of hospitals are not communicating their needs to other hospital locations. Through research of interviewing a nurse and a doctor, I noticed that whenever there are shortages in supplies, the only person they communicate to is the Charge nurse, which can be difficult which led me to think 
about this app.  



Nurse & Doctors reaching Charge nurse is not always readily available, because everyone’s busy. I want to make reporting shortages readily available, where anyone in the hospital has access to reporting shortages, but if the shortages are already pending at their hospital location, other’s could see it so there will not be double orders. Customization of communication includes attachment, chat, and video. This app is made solely for healthcare professionals, so therefore, it is encrypted and not open to public. 

App Workflow Map 


Content Requirement

Developing chatline:
- Allowing users safety text, video chat, and attach files to different people within hospitals. 
- Show queue up: for the available nurse or doctor at a different location (so its randomized)
- Allowing users to leave messages on the chat when no healthcare workers are available   

Developing ways to show the pending progress
- Once a user report shortages, we need to find a way to show that the progress is being pending and went the progress is being addressed. 
- We also want to show under reports, the reports that is currently pending so all staffs know what has already been pending to avoid any duplicate requests


Testing & Future Research 

- Focus will probably be within one Region to start and gather all hospitals in one small region for testing.
- Testing will be done within one selected region
- Encryption research is needed to protect users data
- Research in hospitals is needed to determine
- Test overlay menu


Portfolio © Cynthia Luu 2020

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